Sunday, January 2, 2011

Oh, hey there, old friend.

So, it's been a minute since I have written a blog... but I feel like it's time. Mostly due to today being the first Sunday I have had in awhile being spent alone. I have a few things to bitch about...

1) Sometimes I feel like I am the only one who cares. For example, if you tell someone that you are coming to get them... then all of a sudden you have something better to do, and you go do it without letting the second person know... that is extremely shitty, and shows a lack of care. Maybe I'm reading into it too much.

2) If you know me at all, you know I have an extreme hate for a certain family member of mine. I have every reason in the world to feel the way I do. I make every effort I can to stay out of his way, but it seems to me that he makes every effort to stay IN my way. I feel like he actuallyenjoys it. I just want him out of my life, I'm tired of fighting.

3) Tomorrow is my first day back at the high school. I have spent the last semester of my school career attending boot school, which I must say was a definite learning experience... that I do not ever want to have to go through again. I am just a little bit nervous because somehow, I have lost most every friend in the past four months. I really don't want to be the girl without any friends.

I just really need to start being more self-centered. I am always so worried about everyone elses' happiness that I forget about my own. As of now, Ima do me... and everyone else can do them.

I am free.

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